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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 08/12/2014
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Aflevering
My passion is football because it's a good sport and I've got so many good memories about it I would really like to be prof. Football player, because I'm so passionate about it and will do anything to get it to my dream come true, my dream is to play for FC Barcelona because I like the club and just the culture around it, and so I always like to have would live in Spain I think it's a fantastic country, else if I go no further than Denmark so I'll play me on the team in super liga club FC Midtjylland because it's my favorite team here at home in Denmark. I started playing football in Give and moved after two years to Vejle where it was some very cornering performance in the year and a half I was there, that's why I moved to Brande where I really started to get the joy of playing again and it was great so that's why I moved to Horsens because I hope to play me on league team. My passion for football comes from my older brother who has always been a great help to me in football, he has helped me through everything if i needed it, but in the world of football has been my idol Ronaldinho, Messi and Neymar are totally amazing and is a great deal with my brother who is to blame for that football is so important to me. Football is important to me because it is a stordel in my life because I've spent almost all my time on it since the third class, i was one of those who started in the end but is here where I am today because I have always taken it seriously and have not fooled around with it like many of my friends, I really want to make something out of it and try to do my job and then because you get so many new friends of whatever you're going to be more social, and football is that I have gotten many of my good friends. If I do not get prof. Footballer I want to be something in football because it is now my greatest passion and I have had support from my family all the way. But it has not always been my passion until 3rd grade I'd do nothing with a ball, but is just as happy about it now because it makes me so happy and you get as much exercise do and you can stay in a good shape instead of sitting in front of a computer or watch TV, so I like it there to get outside and get some fresh air. You also get a lot of good experiences playing football, for example a training camp to another country to learn very much about it and get to experience many different things that you do not get to experience, if you now just sit

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