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Where the Gods Fly

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 05/01/2015
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Where the Gods Fly
Karakter ikke opgivet Moving to a new country can be very overwhelming and scary. Finding the balance between staying who you are and fitting in is very hard, but adapting to your new surroundings is important. You cannot expect the surroundings to adapt you. Not having your family, old friends and not knowing the language is difficult enough in its self, but when your origin country is dissimilar from your new country, it’s even harder. Bringing a child to a whole new country, but still wanting them to keep their former culture alive can seem almost impossible. You wish them a good life, but you have to take away what they love the most. So what do you do? The short story “Where the Gods Fly” narrates these factors. “Where the Gods Fly” is written by the Chinese American writer Jean Kwok in 2012. Kwok has born in Hong Kong, but immigrated to Brooklyn, New York at the age of five.

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