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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 23/02/2016
Klassetrin:10. klasse
Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Found
2 Found Chris was running late. The bus was due in a couple of minutes, so he should not have been strolling along, kicking in the sand. Another day on the warm beach would have suited him fine. The weather was clear and warm, and he shot a wishful look at the waves rolling in. Pity to waste the day in town. Hang on - what was that in the sand? Chris stooped to pick up a small plastic bag. Inside was a camera, a key and a few other bits and pieces. Checking out the photos on the camera, he found a picture of a couple of older people. Didn´t they look vaguely familiar? That bus ride would have to wait.

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