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Christian den 4

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Skribentens beskrivelse af Christian den 4
a learned man was Christian 4. Never. He was more concerned with life's practicalities. He could easily participate in theological discussions and give lectures - but his knowledge he had gained more through conversations than in studies. Christian was more practical. He loved from childhood the technical disciplines: mechanics, shipbuilding, navigation and architecture, and it must have been a great experience for him as a fifth year to visit the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe on the island of Ven and see all his strange inventions. Christian 4. was a great man, and over the years he grew also part of the shore, but he retained his rørlighed well into the year. It was said of the king that no one could climb and tilride an untamed horse like him, and that no would go aboard a ship in a storm and confide to the wind and the waves. Both horse riding, hunting and riding at the ring, he was a great champion, and his ilrejser through the country was famous. In July 1619 he rode so from Bredsted to Copenhagen in 36 hours.

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