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One way

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 10/05/2016
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Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af One way
2 Mars ? One Way Writing By Mikkel kromann A private non-profit organization, called Mars One is behind a project of making a permanent colony of human beings on the red planet, Mars. The training will all ready begin to start, and those who are selected to go, will be trained in groups of four, and they are going to join the colony. Every other year will a new group, be send out to join the mission. The first mission comes in 2024 My self? Hallo: I am Michael Armstrong and I am an American subject, living in the street called emirates. I think, I will write this article to the magazine, so people can get more influence about, how I preparing me for the mission I 2024 and how I spend my time when I am on work or at home. My morning is quiet simple, I waking up, making me ready for the daily run, I run about 5 kilometers each morning to get my self in a better physical fitness and it?s make happy to have the time to clear the mind of the children some times. Then I meet 8 pm at my work as astronaut, I meet with my group consisting of 3 other participant. Philip, Eva and Thomas as are educated as astronauts and maybe we get the change to get to Mars in 2024. Where with are analysing and practise us.

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