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Growing up in poverty

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 30/05/2016
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geerdavid2000 gav 3.3 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Growing up in poverty
Skribentens beskrivelse af Growing up in poverty
My topic: Growing up My subtopic: Poverty and growing up poverty Why did I choose this topic? • Personal interest • Me and my family • Responsibility for our society Differences between poor and rich • How it was (1996) o 650,000 in extreme poverty (2$ per day) • How it is o 1,700,000 in extreme poverty (2$ per day) o The 62 richest vs the poorest 3.7 billion What are the consequences? • People can’t do what they want to o Hobbies o Education o Medical care o They get caught in a bad circle o It’s different in Denmark Who to blame and how can it be solved • Can you blame the poor people? • Can you blame the society? o They are very liberalistic in the US. • My ideas to solve the problem o Government ? Raise the taxes ? Free healthcare ? Give them a proper place to live o As a civilian ? Work as volunteers ? Let some live in your house (kind of adopt them) Sources: Student Signature Teacher Signature

Lignende opgaver

Growing up in poverty

Poverty is a state of mind

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