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The Dress

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 27/11/2016
Klassetrin:1.g el. lign.
Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The Dress
’’The Dress’’ is a modern short story written by Julia Darling. The story portrays how a single material object, ruined the relationship between the two sisters Rachel and Flora. The story also shows how their mother handles the situation, or rather drastically deteriorates it. In the following analysis, I will try to shed some light into the complicated relationship of the sisters, followed by a characterization of the mother. I will also uncover some of the symbolism, which plays an important role in this short story. The story begins abruptly in medias res. Rachel can’t seem to find the dress, she’s been planning to wear for her mother’s fortieth birthday. We follow the frantic Rachel, who wanders around the house looking for her dress. In the

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The Dress

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