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More than a Walk

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 10/01/2017
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Skribentens beskrivelse af More than a Walk
More than a walk I checked the sky for signs of rain and set off early to make the most of the day. I had packed my bag with a few necessities – a bite to eat, a bottle of water and heaps of curiosity about what the day would bring. I walked outside with my big backpack and just walked around the big city which is New York City. I have heard that this city has a lot of different things to experience and I agreed with that. There were a lot of people, big buildings and cars. It was so different. It was so warm outside so I just got a t-shirt and shorts on me. I actually also visited the Statue of Liberty and that was so exciting. That was the first that I wanted to visit. I couldn’t stay at the Statue of Liberty anymore because the boat sailed every 30 minutes but I got some pictures.

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