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Us president

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 09/02/2017
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Antal sider:1
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alexanderolsen33 gav 3.2 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Us president
Skribentens beskrivelse af Us president
The president of the United States of America is the most powerful and important person in the world. I suppose it depends on your definition of "important". Some would say that people providing aid to countries in need are the most important, some would say that the person that stop the most wars is the most important. Let's assume we talk about the person who wields the most political power. Us regular peps will never have any real idea about who is the most politically powerful person in the world is. The President of the USA is a figurehead. There is no way that the most powerful person in the world would parade in public like he/she those. Instead they would be working behind the scenes to make things happen. Some think that it's those with the big money. If you were the most powerful person in the world, could influence many things, do whatever you want, etc., do you really think that you would want to go through the hassles and tribulations of being the POTUS, knowing that you have at most 8 years to be in that position and after that you become history? Oh no, you would be there, constantly making the things happen that you want to happen, making sure that the decision-makers so what you need. That's not to say that they are automatically a bad thing. They may well be quite. Is there really such a person? Probably not one, no, I would think there are several. But they won't be revealing themselves any time soon.

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