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Skribentens beskrivelse af Obama!!!
The essay “Obama!!!” is about David Sedaris, and how he describes the experiences, he has had trough discussions with different kind of people about race issues in America. David Sedaris stays in a little village in Normandy. Throughout his stay in the Normandy, Sedaris experiences many prejudices towards the American the population. However, this is not the first he has experienced such things. Throughout many of his travels outside the USA, there are a lot of prejudices, when it comes to the Americans. Throughout the essay, Sedaris often refers to the local newspapers in the regions he visits, and comments on their view on the American politics. At the time when Obama was in the run for presidential election, a woman named Mary Beth, who is a friend of David Sedaris was asked, if she as a white woman from the States, would vote for a black man as their future president. Examples like this and racial issues, is the main topic of the essay “Obama!!!”

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