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The Dress

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 22/05/2017
Klassetrin:2.g el. lign.
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The Dress
The Dress is a story about a mother and two sisters. The two sisters end up in a big fight because of a dress Flora stole from Rachel. It is the mother’s birthday, and yet she is not happy because of her daughters fighting. It ends up with Rachel moving to her father’s and the mother yelling at Flora and calling her a thief. The story finds place on the mother’s fortieth birthday. The mother is a woman who lives alone with her two children, Flora and Rachel. She has a job as a bereavement counselor, which means she’s helping other people who have lost someone dear by giving them advice. When the three girls are at the restaurant, all the mother could think about, was how alone she felt and how much she wanted just to be loved and taken care of. In the end of the story, there’s also a lot of focus on the mother drinking wine. These things make me think that she might be a little defeatist....

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The Dress

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