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Fremlæggelse om columbine school shooting

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 05/04/2018
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Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Fremlæggelse om columbine school shooting
School Shootings Introduction I have chosen the topic “school shootings” because I think it has been the most interesting topic we have worked with this year. The massacre at columbine high school On the 20th of April. 1999 two students named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold rushed the columbine high school they shot and killed 12 students and 1 teacher and another 24 students were injured. The shooting started at lunchtime when most of the students were in the school’s canteen, the shooters hid 2 propane bombs in the canteen but the bombs luckily did not go off. When they realised the bombs were not going to go off, they decided walk into the school, and then they started shooting everyone. After the shooting Eric and Dylan committed suicide.

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