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Flaming cross

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 26/03/2009
Klassetrin:8. klasse
Antal sider:2
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kazi0zt44r gav 3.7 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Flaming cross
Skribentens beskrivelse af Flaming cross
The Flaming Cross The begining at the book startet with a men stay around the cross in the wood. And the cross was flaming. The men were all dressed in white, and they have maskes covered their faces. They were the men of ku-klux-klan. They have also a boss he names Big Al. Everyone called him "Big Al". And he have a long silver pistol in his belt. The Big Al will killed Doctor Jane Jones because they meens she has murdered six little babies.The cross will give them a sign if they must killed Doctor Jane Jones, but god answered not the Big Al, there was no sign to them. The girl as name Doctor Jane Jones live in New York together with her mother. And in New York are people very rich. But Jane and his mother is not rich, there life is so hard for them. In this town...

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