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School camp

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 20/02/2011
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Skribentens beskrivelse af School camp
Monday: It is Monday morning and I have to take the train hall past seven. First we take the train to Ringsted, and in Ringsted we take a special school camp train. In this train we are driving in 2 hours and 30 min. The train stop last time in Frederecia. In Frederecia we take another train, it it is driving to Aalborg, in the train we are sitting with some adoring children. When we came to the hostel, we are going for a walk. Tuesday: Today we are going to eat breakfast at hall past seven. When the clock is 9, we have to take the ferry to Egholm. There is three routes we can go, we takes the yellow it is the longest route, the route is 9 km long. On the last to km we are not going together, we are going in three groups. When we are waiting on the ferry we see Dannebrog, Henrik is beckon at us. We eat dinner hall past seven, and hall past ten we take the bus to Aalborg, where we are going to run a race. There is one group there is lost, but they are being fetch by the teachers. Wednesday: Today we are going to Lille Vildmose and the Garnisons museum. The bus fetch us half past ten, and we are driving in one hour. When we came to Lille Vildmose, our guide has gone to a meeting. But another guy came instead, his name is Bent. We went inside, where we could fly like an eagle. When we all have been trying the machine, our rea

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