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SRP - græsk matematik

Fag: Matematik
Uploadet: 18/06/2011
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Antal sider:31
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Skribentens beskrivelse af SRP - græsk matematik
Abstract Indledning Det græske demokrati 500 ­ 300 Græsk matematik og naturvidenskab Platon Platons "Menon" Aristoteles Euklids elementer Euklids konstruktion af den regulære femkant Bevis for konstruktion af Euklids femkant. Konstruktion af midtnormal Årsager til interesse for filosofi, matematik og naturvidenskab. Konklusion Litteraturliste Bilag 1: Bilag 2 Bilag 3 Bilag 4 2 2 3 5 5 6 7 9 13 15 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 27 1 21. december 2010 [SRP ­ AMINA 3.J] Abstract This assignment deals with Greek mathematics, more specifically geometry. The Greek philosophers had a big influence on mathematics, and there for will some of the ancient Greek philosophers be described and their importance when it comes to mathematics and scientific methods in general analyzed. There will be a source analyze of Platon "Menon" to support this. To explain the appearance of the Greek philosophers the Greek democracy during 500-300, and it's influence on the Mediterranean area will be described. The reason for this is that the free

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