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Grunge og Dizzy

Fag: Musikhistorie
Uploadet: 19/06/2011
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:24
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Grunge og Dizzy
Abstract This paper examines the social state, Denmark is in, in the 1990s. In addition, it highlights the economic issues that were, and how it affected the 1990s society. It also describes the evolution of youth culture and, why youth culture was as it were. Generation X described is in this task, why they were how they were. Which reason were there for their values and outlook on life was so meaningless and hopeless. The paper do also examines the music industry all around the world, how the music scenes did develop in Denmark and international in the 1990s. It tells how the new communication system, like the internet and the mobile phones, effected the music industry. It also describes what development Dizzy Mizz Lizzy had, and how they became famous. Through an analysis of three Dizzy Mizz Lizzy songs, it shows what they did in their music so that they became so famous. The analysis of the three songs indicates that they were real, and the music that they played where not fake on the CD. Through looking at the three songs texts it tells what Dizzy Mizz Lizzy did sing about, and if it had an effect on their popularity. The study indicated that Dizzy Mizz Lizzy became famous because of the big generation X, there where are picture of the generations hopeless views of life. The paper concludes that it was the young people of the society, which made Dizzy Mizz Lizzy that big as they became. The young generation could see their own problems in Dizzy Mizz Lizzy's texts and Dizzy Mizz Lizzy where self from their generation. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy therefore represented the young generation in the 1990s.

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