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Skribentens beskrivelse af Amish
My name is Gulliver, and I’m 30 years old. When I was younger I used to travel around the world, seeking new great experiences. Once I went to visit a small, quite unique, Amish village called Lavinya. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but one thing was for sure, I couldn’t wait. When I arrived to Lavinya, I couldn’t believe my own eyes! It was like walking into a time machine. The village looked like something that had been torn out of the 18th century. I was speechless. I pulled a helpful citizen called Vincent, aside. He explained a lot of interesting things about the village. He told me that the people of Lavinya are something quit unique, that can’t be compared with any other tribe in the world. People don’t have a special need for material stuff, like any other American citizen has, he said. I was extremely shocked, mostly because I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. That some people would rather ride a horse, instead of a car, had never crossed my mind. Children growing up without television and Pc’s, that’s crazy, I thought. But after my stay, I realized that electronics and such isn’t going to make you happy, but reminding yourself everyday that you are something special, even though you don’t have the newest cell phone on the newest chell phone on the market, is.

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