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The Crimson Dragon

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 02/12/2013
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The Crimson Dragon
It all started 5 years ago when Yamatos family was murdered by 1 man. Yamato was only 10 then. He watched while his mother and father burned. Yamato fainted and when he woke up again he was in hospital, he had amnesia he didn’t remember his family or what happened that day. His aunt and uncle played as his father and mother. Now 5 years later Yamato goes to police training camp (a little village 15 miles away from his village) where he is going to live for 5 years. He shares rooms with 2 other peoples Oris and Aris. He still had amnesia but not as strong as 5 years ago, Oris asked why he wanted to be a police officer to Yamato. Yamato answered with: I don’t know since the day I woke up in hospital I just wanted to, like there was something I had to do. 1 year later suddenly Yamato got all his memory back, remembered that day 5 years ago where his mother and father was burned. He wants to kill that man. Yamato hated the police, because they didn’t find the man who killed his father and mother it has been 5 years and they still didn’t find him. 1 week later Yamato drops out from Police Training camp. He finds out that the murder is in a really big organization, actually they have a little bit different system from the other organization, there is 1 leader and 6 commanders, and he is one of the 6 commanders. Yamato only told his plan to Oris and Aris hoping for them to join him and kill the killer. But they wanted to be police officers so they said no.

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