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Amish Letter

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Uploadet: 13/01/2014
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Amish Letter
Hello, my name is Marcus and my last name is Reutzer, and no I am not German… I live in Denmark, and I am fifteen years old. I live in a town called Slagelse with my parents and my little brother. I am a ninth grade so compared to your life I don’t stop going to school after eight grades. In my spare time I`m with my friends, I exercise and some times I play handball. I also do my homework for my classes in school. In Denmark young people have many problems. It could probably anything, one of the thing most teenagers has tried is the classic: can’t find the remote to the TV problem but other problems could be, heartaches, problems with the parents or problems with the friends or the school and as an Amish you don’t have such big problems you have other thing to use you time with and other methods to socialize because in Denmark we socialize by holding the contact with each other, it can be by physically talk to them or just call them up on Skype or the mobile phone. In Denmark we`re Kristen, and we have no such thing called the

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Letter from Amish

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