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Healthy living

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 29/01/2014
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Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Healthy living
Healthy Living in the 21st Century Chapters: Basic Nutrients and Special Diets | Exercise for Life Tips | Obesity Epidemic | Best (Recommended) Diet | Stress Management | Please download this FREE book for further detail. This text gives many great examples on how to get started on healthy eating, regular physical fitness and details stress management for persons of all ages. This text is directed toward health care providers to assist them in the education of their patients. Feel free to distribute it to all your patients as even non-medical personnel may also find a lot of useful information, however, like other medical-related documents such as life insurance contracts, there may be many technical terms or abbreviations that make it difficult to read. This text will review basic nutrition as well as common fad diets and give an introduction to stress management and exercise techniques that can be used to enhance longevity. Quitting smoking is also another healthy living tip, which will also reduce things such as the cost of your life insurance coverage. ***The information from this text was entirely drawn from the Clinical Medicine Consult (see below), which also contains detailed treatment protocols for nutrition, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and covers 99% of all ailments primary care physicians manage. It is indexed and enhanced with hyperlinks to over 12,000 terms, medicines and conditions for fast navigation. It contains over 2,450 clinical (medical-surgical) topics for rapid reference along with specific drug doses and essential treatment pearls.

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