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Arthur king

Fag: Engelsk
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Arthur king
The round table was a wedding gift from Guinevere’s father, King Leodagan of Carmelide, after Arthur asked her hand in marriage. At the time, there were already 100 knights (out of 150) who were members of the table. This led Arthur to ask the magician Merlin to choose the remaining members to bring it to full complement, emphasizing that each must be chivalrous. When they were assembled, Merlin said that from “now on you must love one another and hold one another as dear as brothers, for from the love and sweetness of this table where you will be seated there will be born in your hearts such a great joy and friendship that you will leave your wives and children to be with one another and to spend your youth together,” (translation by Martha Asher). The names of the knights were engraved on their chairs. Merlin left one chair, called the “perilous” chair vacant, to be filled by a great knight (who would turn out to be Galahad, the son of Lancelot) at a time when the quest for the Holy Grail begins. Galahad is also responsible for pulling a sword from a stone that is meant to be pulled by the strongest knight in the world.

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