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The hidden face of Globalization

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 12/02/2011
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Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The hidden face of Globalization
English Assignment ­ "The hidden face of Globalization" Summary: I have watched and listened to "The Hidden Face of Globalization" and I am going to tell a short summary about it. It takes place in the country called Bangladesh, as lies in South Asia. We heard about young people, 80 % of them are women in the age 16-25 years, who every day works with products to the whole world. All the days at the week goes with hard and long work days. There live 1.8 million people who work in Bangladesh; there are 3600 factories and over 900 millions garments, which are export to The United States each year. Each morning there are tens of thousands wom

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