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Engelsk stil

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 30/09/2011
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Engelsk stil
Hello, my name is Katherine. Now I want to tell you about how I have come here at the school I go on: It started as a pretty normal school day like all the others. I had my agent with me, Hugo. He should take care of me that I was assaulted by the people who hate me because I'm black. I arrived at school and Danish?. But it was not quite as usual. We came in and met at school and we had no Danish lessons because she was shot by the racists. It is a tough? time. We must stick together and stand against the hard times. So that day we could take home. I have a friend named Sime. Her and I go to my house and makes a brilliant plan. We will run away the night at 01:30 when our agent is asleep and we would just run towards the south as far as we can, to a school where there only is darkness and people we can stick together. Our parents are dead and we live with my grandfather and grandmother. We will still have to say it to them on the day that we run away, that they understand well and wish us luck with the escape. We lie in? and sleep at 20:00. We

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