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A healthy lifestyle

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 20/04/2014
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Skribentens beskrivelse af A healthy lifestyle
Hello my name is Oliver, I will like to tell your people little about being healthy and how I remain healthy. Many off us think a lot about ourselves, and how ours body is, how we look in other peoples eyes. It lies to the human race, to worry about how others see and think about us. Sometimes we just need to relax and be ourselves. Sometimes we just need to dress us as we want to, and be completely indifferent to how others perceive us. Healthy is a very important thing for me, and my family. My mother do sport and my father do sport to, and off course I do sport to. I during soccer football four to five times at the week, and when I don’t play football, I go for a run. It all starts in the morning, then I eat a lot of oatmeal, it gives a nice sense of satiety, and gives me a good start to the day. After a good meal breakfast I go to school. In the first lunch break, I eat all the fruit and vegetables I have. In the next lunch break I eat alle my food, it could be a sandwich, or salad. When I come home from school, I'm going to soccer training, if I not are going to soccer, I go for a run. When I come home from the run. I go into the gym and lifting weights. It is very important for me, to look good in the mirror, because if I’m satisfied about my appearance, then I also believe that others respect me, and my body.

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