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A fortune

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 10/02/2014
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Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af A fortune
The short story ”A Fortune” is written by author Joy Monica and was available in year 2000. It is a story of a man who pickpockets and then discovers a little boy wandering the street alone. It is the same boy, whose father’s wallet, he stole some time earlier. The narrator grew up in a trailer park; the family did not have a lot of money. This is one of the reasons for his father teaching him pick pocketing in the age of five. The title “a fortune” refers to the little kid and the narrator. They are the fortune, which has not been discovered by their own families. The only person who understands the narrator’s qualities is the little kid, and the other way around. The Narrator is a person who lives by himself. He spent his childhood with his mother; she was constantly crying and was feeling bad for her little boy.

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