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The death of tommy grimes

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 30/10/2019
Antal sider:2
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phjul13 gav 3.6 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade The death of tommy grimes
Skribentens beskrivelse af The death of tommy grimes
The story takes place in Mississippi during the slave period which was known as a tough slavery environment at that time. It was the time with male dominance and you did not have the opportunity to be a teenager. As said in the introduction the author R.J Meaddough has experience with the outdoor hunting life. ?They felt like sticks of wood, stilts that somebody had glued on his legs. An ant left the ground and started climbing his arm until he blew, softly, blew the ant into some brave new world?. That is well described in the text. The way he goes down in detail gives the reader the feeling that they are there with Tommy and his dad.

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