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First moon landing complete

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 13/12/2019
Klassetrin:10. klasse
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af First moon landing complete
First Moon landing completet ________________________________________________________________________________ Made by: Lilly Jensen First moon landing Only a few hours ago the first moon landing was completed , it was Niels Armstrong who became the first man on the moon, but he was not alone, his crew mates Buzz Al-drin and Michael Col-lins was also there, but Collins stay in the spaceship. Special words “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” Armstrong’s own words when he walked out at the spaceship an down on the moon with the spaceship, then Armstrong himself had to land it, but it worked and he got him and Aldrin safly down to the moon No problems It took 3 days from fa-cilitating from the ground, to fly op to the moon, he whole trip went without problems until they had to part

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