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Friendship Essay about the kite runner

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 04/09/2010
Klassetrin:8. klasse
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Friendship Essay about the kite runner
The Kite Runner focuses on the relationship between two Afghan boys Amir and Hassan. Amir is a Pashtun and Sunni Muslim, while Hassan is a Hazara and a Shi’a. Despite their ethnic and religious differences, Amir and Hassan grow to be friends, although Amir is troubled by Hassan, and his relationship with his companion, one year his junior, is complex. Amir and Hassan seem to have a "best friend" type relationship. The two boys, Hassan and Amir, are main characters in the movie. The two boys have a relationship that is significantly different compared to most.

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