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Outer space

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 02/12/2010
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Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Outer space
I'm gonna tell you a little bit about life from outer space. I have chosen this topic because I believe that we're not the only ones in the whole universe. I believe that there is much more out there. We call life from outer space, aliens or extraterrestrials. They are described like this: They have a big head, completely bald, drop-formed eyes, a little mouth, long arms, and they are very short. Their skin is grey and instead of a nose, they only have 2 holes in their head where the nose should have been. We haven't really seen them on planets, in our solar system except Earth , so they have to be from another system. People say that they have seen aliens on Earth. Some people even claimed that they have been abducted by a UFO. They say that they have been subjected to some tests. Tests to see what a human really is. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. That's what they use to transport themselves. And humans. A UFO is described as a big plate-formed object made out of metal. It has lamps outside in all different colors. It also has a beam. They use the beam to abduct humans with

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