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Dusk over altantic Warf

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 16/12/2010
Klassetrin:2.g el. lign.
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Dusk over altantic Warf
DUSK OVER ATLANTIC WHARF. (Opgave B) 1. Short summary. `'Dusk over Atlantic Wharf'' is a short story written by Susmitta Bhattacharya. It tells us about an Indian girl called Lata who lives in the town Cardiff. Lata's marriage has been arranged and she therefore doesn't know her husband, Anuj, that well. Her life is in the moment very unfamiliar and she is not happy about how it's going to turn out. The reason why she got promised away to a stranger, is the fact that Anuj is from Wales and her father believes that she would have a much better life there, than in her native country. All though Lata knows that her father probably is right, she misses her country, friends and old life terribly, and is having a hard time settling down. In the end of the story Lata

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