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An ordinary christmas in Denmark

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 07/04/2011
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Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af An ordinary christmas in Denmark
An ordinary christmas in Denmark On the first of December we light a calendar candle. It has numbers on it and you are only supposed to burn down one number a day, because there is only 24 day until Christmas eve. Many people have other decorations with candles in around the house. At school every class has at least one candle decoration, in many classrooms there are christmas decorations. At home mostly kids but also some adults got christmas calendars. The media also make christmas calendars and then they make a tv series about it, but now im going to tell you a little secret the christmas calendars that the media is doing is alot more lausy than them whit chocolate because whit from the media are only paper whit print on and thats lausy!!!. We do also send Christmas cards to friends and family and the shops are very busy because of all the customers. They are open very late to try and get more people to come and buy. Christmas is an expensive time for most people. Our homes and places

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