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Brev til familien powell

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 18/02/2014
Klassetrin:9. klasse
Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Brev til familien powell
I am just working on a program, for when you and your family, are coming to Denmark this summer. I am so excited to show you my hometown, so you can see where I live, and where I spend my time every day. I have been thinking a lot of, where I want to take your guys. We have so many incredible tourist attractions here I Denmark. So it is difficult to choose, which ones is the best. I have seen the attractions, that I think is the most special ones, that is what you're going to see. Its different how the weather is at summertime here, but I think that it is going to be about 20 to 27 degrees. So it's going to be a hot summer this year compared to the other years. So are you ready to hear, what I have planned for now? First I will catch you up in the airport, and we are going to take a bus home to the house. I imagine that you probably are very tired after the long trip, so the first night we are just going to relax, and get a good sleep.

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