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What happend in the mountains

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 22/04/2014
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Skribentens beskrivelse af What happend in the mountains
Pete was getting ready to visit Zoe when his phone rang. Two kids had been reported in the mountains. Pete was in the shower when he got the message. Pete took his police uniform on and wrote a message to Zoe. “Hi Zoe can’t come this evening. Sudden call. Two kids missing in the mountains. Pete”. It took a while before Zoe answered, so Pete was worried if she would understand it. “Hi Pete. I understand, we can go out another day, but keep me updated on that case. Zoe” Pete drow out to the Cleveland National Forest, and started searching, He send his dogs out to search but when they got back 6 hours later, they didn’t had a clue. The rest of the police department arrived. Because they had to find these kids. They searched for two days and they had still not found anything. Pete began to think about Zoe and he wrote a message. “Hi Zoe. Been searching for two days now. Can´t give up. It’s getting dark. Pete” The police department gave up, and went home. But Pete wouldn’t give up. He send his dogs out again, and after an hour, one of the dogs started to bark. Pete ran after the sound and suddenly heard Pete a little boy screaming. When Pete arrived saw Pete a little boy lay down in a hole with a big rock on his leg. He was with he´s Sister. The Sister said that they had tried everything to get the rock away, but it was too heavy. Pete told them that the police would arrive soon and they could get the rock away. Pete called the police and told them that he had found the kids and they were safe. The police arrived in a few minutes. Pete asked the boy how the rock Feld down on him. He said that they were playing in the big hole, and then there came a landslide and a big rock landed on his leg. Pete said that they were lucky, that the dog found them. He gave them a big hug and then he thought about Zoe again. He wrote a message to her. “Hi Zoe. Relief. Found them. Very lucky kids. See you tomorrow. Pete.”

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