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Guerilla Garden

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 30/05/2015
Klassetrin:10. klasse
Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Guerilla Garden
The Guerilla gardeners wish to make areas looking better by turning it into something with greenery and colorful flowers. With the plants can they improve the quality of air as the plants lower the CO2 content. But it isn’t about good-looking plants to the urban areas, there are also many of these Guerrilla gardeners who produce food. For example fruit and vegetables, which they harvest and eat. In this case, they save money on food. But they must avoid pollute by chemicals that the plants can absorbed, so the people who eats the food doesn’t get sick. The guerrilla gardeners often come into conflict with landowners or authorities. They are also seen as breaking the law by using property which is not their own. I see the guerrilla gardeners as a new trend, if they get permission to use the property. This could be a new trend, and it would help to lower the CO2 content. I think that more people should do this. It would help everything on earth in the future, and maybe the ice wouldn’t melt, so everything would die, because of global warming.

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