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Mobning konklusion

Fag: Dansk
Uploadet: 25/03/2017
Klassetrin:9. klasse
Antal sider:5
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Mobning konklusion
Teenagers Writing about the teenagers is hard today. There’re so many types and personalities nowadays. I believe, that many teenagers think that they are more confident and self-conscious that’s what they think. They think they know (some do) what to do in their future, what to study in high school, how they want to be, when they get older, but I’ll bet, that every day, when the young girl or boy comes home, he or she at least spends 10 minutes to think about their education and how their life will be, asking questions like “Is this what I really want? and If this isn’t what I want, then what do I want?.

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