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Uploadet: 27/03/2020
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Zoombies
zoombies On Hammerstreet in Jutland lived a girl and her mom. The girl was named Hannah, and her mom was named Olive. They had a dog, the dog's name was Lucy. One day Hannah was in her room and she could hear the door open, and Olive began to scream and Lucy began to bark. Zombies were coming inside the house, and the zombies kidnapped Olive. Hannah went down and saw her mom had disappeared. Hanna was scared and tried to stop the zombies with a gun and a knife but nothing worked. Now she had to go on a long trip, so now Hannah began packing. She packed some dogfood and some food for herself. Then Hannah started following the footprints of the zombies. After 3 hours Hannah found a cave, so Hannah started looking for the zombies, and Hannah found some footpint again and follow them carfully with Lucy. Lucy was scared to. After some time Hannah saw some zombies. Lucy wanted to bark, so Hannah quickly said "shhhh" to Lucy and then Lucy stopped. Hanna found a tunnel, now Hannah was going inside the tunnel, suddenly Lucy was runing "Lucy come back" says Hannah" Then Hannna run`s after Lucy " Lucy founds mom" good girl Lucy" Says Hannah. but mom was capturd in a cage. There came a zoombie vaguely and said "come here little one " hannah and her mom began to scream, and lucy bite the zoombie vaguely, and the zoombie died. hannah take the zoombie vaguely keys so hannahs mom can come out. End they live happili to their days end.

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