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Blog Travel experience

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 04/11/2019
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was excited to meet my family in Iraq, but they sad that there was a chaos over there and we had to take care , but I didn't care because the media they exaggerate thing's, but I was still glad that I had the chance to see my family again. The flight was good and there were no problems, and the food was also great, but the real problem begins when you arrive from Baghdad airport to the city centre it is a bit of a pain, private cars and city taxis, are not allowed in the airport. Instead, will you have to take an airport taxi from the airport along the 9 km long airport road to a secure parking lot, a road that was frequent with IEDS only a few years ago? The airport taxi is not allowed to go to the city centre either. Instead, you have to swap from the airport taxi to your private pickup or a city taxi at a large secure parking lot 9 km from the airport, heavily guarded by Iraqi Swat teams. But lucky for us, my uncle waited there and picked us up in time.

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