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Modernism portfolio

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 10/01/2020
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Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Modernism portfolio
Dette er den udleverede opgave beskrivelse, hvilkket forklarer emnet og form?let med opgaven. Part 1 Account (min. 250 words) Account for modernism. What was this movement about? Please include explanations and examples of some (but not all) topics, themes, techniques or features, which you think represent the overall movement interestingly. You may include some art or other visual elements to illustrate your account. Importantly, this is not supposed to be a comprehensive account. Select a few elements ? not more than five ? to go in depth with instead! Part 2 Analysis (min. 400 words) Go in-depth with two topics, themes, techniques or features of modernism that you analyze/interpret in different texts. You pick the themes yourself. For instance, you could pick to compare protagonists, plot structures, main themes, narrative techniques, settings, use of intertextual references, symbols, relationships between characters etc. Make a paragraph for each of the two themes. You should be specific about where in what texts you see these topics and include quotes from texts or still images from Revolutionary Road. Part 3 Evaluation (min. 250 words) What is the strength of modernist texts? What can the authors, poets and moviemakers that we have worked with do within this literary movement that is different? What was your experience reading and working with these texts? Where have you been challenged? Why? What was your favorite text? Why?

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