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The New Girl

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 27/01/2011
Klassetrin:1.g el. lign.
Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The New Girl
en indledning omkring racisme, analyse og fortolkning af "the New Girl" og en konklussion.. uddrag: The text “The New Girl” is a story, which is written by Marc Mitchell. It is about a new girl who moves to Prospect Street. The girl, who is black, seems to be sweet. Unfortunately, the girl Allison who also lives at Prospect Street will not accept the new girl, because she has a different skin color. The narrator and author, Marc Mitchell, is in a difficult situation. On one hand he wants to be friendly towards the new girl, but on the other hand, he is afraid to contradict Allison, who is ten years old which is two years older than him. The pressure from Alison decides his choice. Twenty years later, he still has a guilty conscience.

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