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Global Culture

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 27/11/2011
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Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Global Culture
Gloablisation is fantastic! Like international trading and Without really giving it thought, global products make a huge part of our daily life, though you rarely give it a thought. The MacDonald’s at the corner of the street, the Iphone in your hand, the brands you’re wearing and the soaps you’re watching. These are all things coming from abroad. We are able to collaborate with other countries, trading and exchanging products and resources across the globe, giving benefits for evryone. We are coming closer to each other; the world isn't so big anymore. We can benefit from other countries experiments and science. We can work together to cure a common disease. Imagine a world with all the countries solitaire from each other, no way of communicating or trading. We would have no way of sharing technology and inventions.

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