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Assignment A

Fag: Engelsk
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1. Give an outline of the different views on British monarchy presented in the text The Royal family has sidelined the republicans is about the good side and the bad side of the monarchy in Brittan, the Queen’s 60 years on the throne and the new born boy. The republican thinks the nation has been brain washed about the monarchy in the great Brittan. The republicans want a president instead off a Queen or a King. Royal baby news: BBC hits back at criticism of TV coverage is about the new Royal baby and how the BBC news covered the story. The viewers complained about the time the BBC news has given to the story of the newborn Royal baby. Bur BBC news backfires at that criticism, the TV-station means there are some of their viewers there feels there have been too much coverage of the newborn Royal baby. BBC news says they are satisfied with the way they covered the story, because they had both sides of the viewers, the once who support the monarchy and those who doesn’t. The monarchy is at odds with a modern Britain is about the modern Britain’s and how the Royal family presents the newborn to the people of UK. 80% of the UK citizen remains loyal to the Queen, and 13% anti-monarchy. As seen in the text they believe that the British monarchy is the brick wall that stops that healthy process in the country. Therefore the argument is that the British monarchy is a bad thing for society. From this can be concluded that the monarchy is a negative establishment.

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