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My pastime

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 19/09/2014
Klassetrin:1.g el. lign.
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Skribentens beskrivelse af My pastime
The spare time is the most import and valuable time you have. It is the most precious time for me. When you are not occupied with school or with work you are able to just relax and unwind. You are able to decide for yourself what to do with your spare time. Many of us appreciate your spare time very much and we are all using our spare time differently. We are all having our own interests. Some people want to relax in their spare time and they find it very important to spend time with their family and friends. Others are not having time enough for these things and they are doing a lot of sport instead. I think both things are very important and you should use your pastime for both parts.

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