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A bird in the sky

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 25/01/2016
Klassetrin:10. klasse
Antal sider:1
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Skribentens beskrivelse af A bird in the sky
I’m standing in the window, ready to fly. I know it is a big world outside the walls. I haven’t actually been outside before. I just know it’s time. Time to get away from here. My tiny little legs are shaking. It’s a weird feeling. I’m a little afraid. I can hear the other birds, they are waiting for me, but I’m afraid. Afraid of everything. It’s my first time outside. I know that I’m going to miss this place, but I am also happy to move. Our final destination will be Paris. I’ve heard so much good about Paris, so I really hope that it is as good as its sounds. I close my tine little eyes and let my legs do the rest. I can’t feel the ground anymore, I’m to afraid to look. I’m scared to fall. The other birds are far ahead and I can’t follow. I feel the wind in my wings. Its an indescribable felling. I feel more powerful and free. I fly higher and higher, higher than I ever has been before. Then sun is burning in my tiny little head. It’s like I see in a better perspective up here. I can see the tiny trees. I can almost feel the leaves falling from the tree. I can see the kids playing in the kindergarten, see the horses running in the fields.

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