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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 29/04/2016
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Bafana
1- it starts with James and his Family takes to Robby Islands with a ship, Because he's one of the few their can speak so-so. 2- they have the power of the black people, and they are very stern opposite with it 3- because he's grow op In the same country. 4- he's job its to be a interpreter. 5- He means if he does something wrong, the will disappoint his boss and everybody else 6- the don’t feel good, because they are slaves for the with people. 7- the blacks are doing well with the black and the white are comfortable with the white the black people are beaten by the with people. 8- because he will fight for the black and will not succumb the with peoples rules 9- he thinks its enough their his family being threatened 10- James say it, when he see how bad they have it 11- frihedserklæringen are ''forbudt'' for the black and with people but James read it 12- he should one work more than he already are, and he get a nick name kaffiers lovers 13- he gets too big power 14- he may a visit, and the girl tell its videre?? to the rest of the world. 15- because Mandela is a different man, and he are not so bad. 16- because they are good friends 17- when mandala comes free are all the people happy to see him 18- he's a very imported man, and he have a big betydning for the world

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