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An inspector calls

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 07/09/2017
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Skribentens beskrivelse af An inspector calls
An inspector calls. The family in “an inspector calls” has a very weird relationship for example the son (think it's eric) calls his father “governor” which means that he doesn't see his dad as a father but as a boss, the father is also what you would call “new money” as he has marreíed a rich wife and he is now trying to get his daughter to marry a man so the father can become even richer while using the marriage as a business deal, which means that the dad doesn't really care about his daughter's well being or happiness. Also when the inspector arrives the tension between the family members escalate. Dramatic reading: Mr: Birling in an inspector calls has of pride and wants to show that off by making sure everyone knows his statues, for example on page 13 mr birling says “I was an alderman for years- and lord mayor two years ago and i'm still on the bench.” this shows how Mr: birling is unconfident in his normal statues as a factory owner, it also shows that he is “new money.” You also have conflict on page 32 when Sheila says “and he drinks too much.” and mrs: Birling answers “sheila!” shows us how Mrs:Birling doesn't like the fact that “her little boy” could ever do something so horrible as getting drunk. Also mostly through act III its shows a lot of tension and conflict, for example when Mrs: Birling says “unlike these three i have done nothing i'm ashamed off” this shows how she believes she's above everyone else and how she believes she is still better than everyone else, this also shows up when she begins to discuss with the inspector.

Lignende opgaver

An Inspector Calls

An inspector calls

Describe Mrs. Birling

Written assignment

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