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A Wasted Hour

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 19/10/2019
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:3
Filinfo: pdf-formatpdf-format (151KB)
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Skribentens beskrivelse af A Wasted Hour
In this section, we will highlight the elements of our analysis of “A Wasted Hour” by Jeffrey Archer. The story follows a linear plot structure, while including narrative techniques like backstory and foreshadowing. The most important characters are Kelley and John. Other characters are briefly mentioned, such as Kelley's parents and several people whom she meets while hitchhiking. The events take place in California in the mid-1960s. In this particular episode of her life, Kelley meets an interesting older gentleman who tells her his life story and only learns at the end of their trip that he is the author of her favourite novel. The social setting explores issues like sexual harassment and the objectification of women and the challenges in the journalism world. The events are described by a third-person narrator with limited knowledge.

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