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Teen pregnancy

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 22/08/2013
Klassetrin:9. klasse
Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Teen pregnancy
Det her var min engelsk outline oversigt - over de ting jeg skulle sige da jeg var inde til eksamen, "mit topic" var 'Teen pregnancy' Men jeg har ihvertfald en masse om emnet, her er en lille del: Why did I choose this topic? I have always had a little interest in teen pregnancy, because I’ve seen a lot of series on the television about teen pregnancy, and it have been up in the media for a long time now. I would like to know why the girls choose to keep the baby, instead of getting the abortion. Is it culture related? The parent’s decisions? The boy and girl together? The fact that you’re killing another potential life? Or perhaps another reason. What is Teen Pregnancy? Basically teen pregnancy is when a girl from the age 13 to 19 becomes pregnant. But the group that is most hit is probably the unaware girls and boys. The relationship between the father and the mother It’s always different from relationship to relationship; some people just know from the beginning that they are meant for each other and they want to be together for the rest of their lives. And in other cases the relationship gets bad because of the baby, and it would be the best for them both, if they just spilt up cause it’s not going to work anyway, and it would just make the childes life bad too. Financial problems Teen mothers are likely to face financial challenges at some point their lives. Most likely because she has to find someone who can take care of the baby, meanwhile she is working on a low income job for money so they can make it through the hard time. The responsibility that comes with having a baby When people decide to get a baby, there will always come a responsibility together with the baby. The thing is you have to think over everything you do, you can’t just leave whenever you want to. anyway.. jeg har en del mere men det her var bare en lille del af de 3 sider :)

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