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Formal Letter

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 14/11/2016
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Dear Christina. I’ve read your article ‘’The rich and the rest’’ and you did very well, you have written about how the ‘’rest’’ live. I feel very sad when I’m reading your article because articles like yours is not that popular in the USA. You're only talking about politics and the presidential election, I know it’s important, but we have people like us, that struggles. Look at the people in the streets, some of them are sleeping on the streets and are suffering from hunger. Many of the people who live in the streets, lives there for a reason. Look at the city of Detroit. I have a friend who lived there and he doesn’t like the way they live. He lived in Detroit for a while and he hated it. Rampant crime, poverty, drugs, gangs, filth, etc. He doesn’t feel safe, when he walks around in the city. As another person mentioned, the schools here are in a crisis. The water is dirty. It may be a major city, but there is really not a lot to do. It is not there own fault. I agree, that there are a lot of criminals in the ghettos, but many of them have grown up with crime in their family. If you had crime in your life, already from the beginning of

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