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Sport stil

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 11/12/2017
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Antal sider:2
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Simonebiilmann gav 3.1 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Sport stil
Skribentens beskrivelse af Sport stil
Hey dear sportslover I can see you love sports and it´s a big part of you life. And you really want to make new friends in the sports life, that's good because you both touching you and making new friends in the same time. It´s really important that young people like us have a sports we like. Young people can be involved in sport in so many ways. You can go to school sports, in your free time or you can do by yourself when you biking and walking. You can also be involved if you are a trainer or a assistant coach. I´m a trainer for some girls in showdance and i love it. Many in my school are assistant coach in handball or football. I have been dancing in many years and now i’m a trainer for my own danceteam. Because when i started i tried to dance in a workshop at my old school, when i got home i dance all the time… Front of the mirror, in the kitchen and at the school. I was in love in dancing. It´s was like the second part of me. Before i started to dance, i played badminton but after i have lean some dance moves i began to dance in the badminton lessons. Then i stopped to badminton and started to dance for real. I went to dancing 1 or 2 times in the week. But last year i got a bad trainer and decided to quit and started my own dance team for young children to open there eyes for dance. Dance have affect me to have better leadership, so dance is a part of my life. It´s important to do sports, so you can get a better health. Even if you have good healthy now, you should still do some sport sometimes, even if you are 50 years old, because it good for your healthy and your body. It is also important to come out and meet other people through sport and make new friends. There are of course also disadvantages of being involved in sport. Sport can take lot of your free time, but you choose the sport on your own. I think you should join the sport you love most, than you also can make friends there loves the sports to, then you already have lot in common. But i don't think there are any other disadvantages of having a sport. I hope you find a sport you will love, and make some new friends in the new school. My advice is to always remember to find a sport you love and choose a team sport (there can you get lots of friends). Hope this letter help you. XOXO Simone

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