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You are my home

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 26/09/2013
Klassetrin:8. klasse
Antal sider:1
Filinfo: pdf-formatpdf-format (55KB)
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Skribentens beskrivelse af You are my home
You are my home Summary: The Turkish movie "You are my home" is about the girl Leyla and the boy Ôzcan who falls in love with each other, in the girl's father's workplace. In the start the Ôzcan don't want to talk with Leyla but later he begins to get feelings for her. They began to speak, and one day they go out to have a funny day. They get a good relationship with each other’s. One day Ôzcan decide to tell the girl that he is in love with her. He tells her it, and Leyla became so lucky. They experience very good times. But one day Leyla begins to forget things. She goes to the doctor, and find out that she have a dying disease. She don't want to tell the Ôzcan about hers disease. One day she forgets all about the Ôzcan, and by a mistake she remember hers ex-boyfriend. She calls the boy she loves with hers ex-boyfriend’s name, and the Ôzcan understand that there is something wrong. The next time Leyla goes to the doctor, Ôzcan want to go with her. He finds out what hers disease is, and his world gets under. He decides to experience the best things with the girl, in her last days. He takes her on a trip to a cottage where they are all alone. There she loses hers life in his arms…

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